Today is my birthday.......
So many emotions this weekend. First my soldier called to tell me he may not be home for another month or so....then a dear friend of mine moved this weekend...and two of my lovely children became ill. When it rains it pours huh?
hollybeth & me :)

Well, I suppose one good thing came friends told on me at the restaraunt...."it's her birthday ...please embarrass the tar out of our dear friend!" They did so successfully, forcing me into the saddle and making me wave a hankerchief around like some crazy person and shouted to the whole restraunt that I was 21!!! hahaha....I finally told them I was indeed turning 35...and they told me I couldn't be...I looked 19....ahhhhhh...that made my day! :) I should mention this took place at Texas Roadhouse! Never been there in my life....nope.....and I don't normally eat red meat.....but how can you go to TR and not eat a steak....I ate five bites! And I had fried pickles! Have you ever had fried pickles??? I wonder if they fry everything!
Had a few sickies we stayed snuggled up inside and did our own praise and worship fun! :)
If we get anymore snow, my house is going to look like an igloo! I'm having second thoughts about the whole Global Warming theory! ;)
My table outside is buried!

Can you believe these cars got stranded in a snow storm in Chicago???

I've decided my 35th year will be whatever I make it to be.....I can't fix the past or worry about the future....I DO know that to live everyday to the fullest is to feel ALIVE! It's a wonderful feeling to dream and to set gives a person something to look foward to. I've made goals for years now....some are five year goals, some are yearly, and monthly. Some I've kept, some were disappointments...but that's okay...because as long as I was moving toward that dream or goal I was LIVING! One of my goals this past year was to backpack the AT (appalachian Trail) with my sons.....didn't get to....but I did climb Mt. Marcy(highest peak in NY) and that was a dream I hoped to fulfill before leaving NY. Keep dreaming never know what opportunities will come your way! :)

Wishing you all a lovely week~ Aubrey
1 comment:
Happy Birthday dear girl, really and truly, I truly haven't forgotten you. My family from PA was here all weekend and I didn't have a moment of quiet to do anything. But I did actually think about you and could you please please email me your address? I have a package to send your way but I don't have your base address. Help, and thank you kindly. :-) As always, lots of love to you. LeAnn
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