Friday, March 4, 2011

tv armoire to pantry

My Soldier is on his way home....I don't have a clue where he is but I'm so happy he is officially on his way home. :)

I wish I had more time to blog and posts pics...but there is just not enough time in the day. A recap of this weeks happenings:
  • Wrote a to-do list last night so I could sleep and not think about all that has to get done
  • bought stuff to make homemade welcome home signs

  • put red sheets on my bed (never had red sheets before)

  • took 2 Anatomy & Physiology tests

  • talked to a friend I haven't spoken to for 13 years i think!
  • found a cute dress I was going to order online, at Sallys aka salvation army (woo-hoo)

  • got two super cute leather bracelets in the mail from Japan (birthday gift from sis)
  • went shopping for a dress for welcome home ceremony and came home with a sweater and 2 pairs of earrings!!
  • did some homeopathy consulting
  • wore my chucks all week (love chucks)

  • found an aloe vera juice that I LOVE

  • started another book "Three Cups of Tea"

Of course I wouldn't want to bore you with every detail of my life in a week. ;)

Finally got shelves for my tv armiore turned kitchen pantry. So nice to have a pantry! I had whitewashed this piece before we moved...considered painting it yellow, but it's white for now!

Hope I can sleep tonight~ Aubrey


Unknown said...

Cheers! I am so happy that you will all be together again soon!
LOVE what you did with that armoire, super idea for a pantry!!!!

HOPE said...

Grrreat Pantry!!! Can you come over and help me with mine???

YEA...SOLDIER will be home!!!

Sooooo happy for you all..YOU DID GOOD Aubrey...surviving a YEAR with snow blizzards...schooling..test..sickness and lonliness and CATS.


Anonymous said...

I love my red sheets! Hope you enjoy yours ;0!!