Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bosom friends…

Where does the time go?

I mean to blog more faithfully…life just gets in the way. I believe I mentioned in a previous post that we were staying with friends for now in transit to Germany….I looked out the kitchen window and had to take this pic of Genevieve and her little friend playing with their ponies on the hill……the backdrop makes for a fairytale story…:)


 Genevieve then began picking red clover and sharing her knowledge of plants and herbs with her little friend….as they ate them! :)  Funny how much they pick up when you wonder if they are really listening…I love that she appreciates what she learns and shares them with others. :)


its been a crazy busy week…but in a good way…and relaxing all at the same time…spending time with friends and nature….043


she loves the hammock….049



spent the day at this magical place….


even the trees are alive…:)


Did I mention that I’ve been without a cell phone for a week….and I don’t miss it! :) reality will bite soon enough…for now it’s nice to  be “unlisted” …..

spent the day here yesterday….more on this tomorrow at naturally outdoors! :) btw…don’t you just love this photo….I’ve aborted the use of AUTO on my Nikon and totally shooting photos manually….:)253


One of the many perks in traveling so much, besides just the beautiful scenery ect….is that you meet the most incredible people ….people that teach you new things about life, share new experiences with, and leave you with the fondest memories.  I’ll never forget these special people….they’ve made our lives brighter and richer!  So here’s to honoring those special kindred spirits that I’ve met since coming to NY…..each of you are cherished and loved…..thank you for sharing your life, home, dreams, and little moments with us…you’ve enriched our lives more than you know! :)


Aubrey xo

1 comment:

A said...

LOVE the photos Aubrey!!!!